Procrastination Station

We all need a break SOMETIME, right? But if we don't want to leave our desks, here are some links to procrastination aids, all organized by what they are and what might get you into trouble at work.

Looking for a good blog to read? Check out the "You Should Read These Blogs" page I created, which is where all the blogs of note that I find will go. This page is just for games, youtube channels, and webcomics.



Least I Could Do

Looking For Group

Something Positive

Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire

Girls With Slingshots

Eerie Cuties

Penny and Aggie

Menage a 3 NSFW!!!

Sequential Art

Boxer Hockey

A Girl and Her Fed Warnings for STRONG foul language, copious consumption of alcohol, mild violence, and a super intelligent, super snarky koala. And an undead pixie army. And the ghost of Benjamin Franklin. And ... you know what? Just read it, you'll figure it out.


The Joker Blogs