Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Prompt: There is a very strange egg in a basket on the neighbor's doorstep.

Suggested Listening: Call Me - Shinedown

Quote: Our destinies lay not in the stars, but ourselves. - Unknown

There is a special throne in heaven for poets who labor in obscurity. The rest of us harbor an unexpressed hope for fame and glory.

You might be tempted to write for a market. You might be tempted to ride the crest of a trend.

That kind of writing is about as stable and fulfilling as day-trading.

Write what moves you. Write what interests you. Write what frightens you. Write what thrills you. Take a cue from the poets, bless their underfunded little hearts.
From: The Pocket Muse by Monica Wood.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Prompt: When God made the world, he asked: What's my motivation?

Suggested Listening: The Alice In Wonderland soundtrack - various artists

Quote: We are blessed and sustained by what is not said. - Unknown

Butterflies. No deep, insightful piece of wisdom today, just . . . butterflies.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Prompt: Cookies made with fresh Espresso.

Suggested Listening: Can't Come Quickly - Scissor Sisters

Quote: Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. - Willy Wonka, the Remake

If you're stuck and have been for more than three days, move on. Leave what you're stuck on and just skip ahead to the next plot point or character conversation. It won't vanish if you don't finish it, I promise, and you can always go back later when you feel you're ready to do it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Apology

To all my readers - all two of you that I know about, and all the ones I don't - I am extremely sorry for my week-long radio silence. I wish I could say that I'll be updating very, very soon, but that would be lying and I dislike doing that. I've been working very hard to graduate - going to college is just a little more important to me than keeping regular updates in a blog at the moment.

The crunch is over on Monday, June 14th. Regular, daily posts will resume then.

Keep writing,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Prompt: "Well. That was entertaining. Now what's for dinner?"

Suggested Listening: Once Upon A December - from Disney's Anastasia

Quote: Jesters do oft prove prophets. -William Shakespeare

Writing can be hard on the body. Don't forget to get up and stretch, often! While you're stretching, say a prayer, recite a poem, hum a song . . . keep yourself in a meditative state. - From The Pocket Muse by Monica Wood.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Prompt: You're going on a date with somebody you met on the bus on your way to work this morning.

Suggested Listening: Will You Remember - The Cranberries

Quote: How quaint. Somehow, you've managed to delude yourself into thinking that I care about you, when really . . . I don't. - Angeline Devries

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Cleanliness is also very good for your mind. Today, take all the projects you haven't touched in weeks, put them all into a folder on your desktop (or a three-ring binder if you're working with a pen and paper) and put it away. I think you'll find that once you've got a nice clean, clear space to work with, it'll be easier for you to concentrate on the here and now, as opposed to getting distracted with things from the past.

But don't throw anything away. Who knows? Something might be worth going back to eventually.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Prompt: A macaroni picture of a gruesome murder.

Suggested Listening: Rat In A Cage - Smashing Pumpkins

Quote: People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest. -Hermann Hesse

Description, description, description. The extremes are nothing but, and everything but. The happy medium is just enough. Today, pick one aspect of your least favorite character and apply both extremes to the description. Aim for three or four pages of floral, vapid, disgusting prose about one aspect of this trait, and maybe one sentence on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Once that's done, find the happy medium.