Prompt: "Are you going somewhere, or are suitcases in living room the new "It" thing for decorating?"
Suggested Listening: This Love This Hate - Hollywood Undead
Quote: You either need to get fast enough that I'm not stepping on you, or get out of my way so it isn't an issue. - Yours truly, Seriah
The Mighty. If you've never seen it, you're missing out on something big. It's an inspirational movie about a dim-witted giant of a boy, and a brainiac kid with a degenerative condition who create an amazing symbiotic relationship. There's a line near the very end that every writer should be able to relate to:
He showed me I could read a book, so maybe I could write one too.
Sometimes, in order to keep writing, we need to close the notebook or turn off the computer and go look at what somebody else has written. (Yeah, you can totally cheat with this. "Why, just look at how hard somebody must have worked on the script for this TV show!" ) Just take it easy for a few days and read a good book.
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