Prompt: The daily Soup & Sandwich combo.
Suggested Listening: Thunder Rolls - Garth Brooks
Quote: Through music we may wander where we will in time, and find friends in every country. - Helen Thompson
Characters need hobbies. Writers, more often than not, need distractions. Go to the local community college, rec centre, or the local Y, and sign up for a class. Try something you've never considered doing before - if you've never spun clay, sign up for a pottery course; try knitting or cross stitching; quilting, embroidery, shoe-making, fashion design, and painting are all good choices. Join a spin class or try your hand at Yoga. You can even validate getting yourself a gym membership. Doing something like this accomplishes two things:
One: It provides a scenario you might not have thought about before, and maybe inspires you in a way you didn't think was possible from behind your desk. Maybe a secondary character is a closet karate guy, or has an obsession for collecting stamps from WWII Europe.
Two: It gives you a chance to get out of your chair at least once a week and do something. Writing is important, but don't chain yourself to your desk.
Don't have the money or time to join one of those classes? Then pick a day of the week and every day, just go for a walk.